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Frequently Asked Questions

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How can Lucha T8 help me?

Listed below are effects the Lucha T8 device can help with: Pain, Exhaustion, Stress, Insomnia, Tension, Anxiety, Migraines, Low energy. Over 100 people tested Lucha T8 so far and reported beneficial results for these symptoms and conditions.

How long can I wear Lucha T8?

Lucha T8 can be worn every day for an unlimited amount of time, it is tested for safety and is completely harmless. Lucha T8 is also designed with the thought of wearing it as a fashion accessory.

Does the Lucha T8 device work over clothing?

For better results, you should always apply Lucha T8 directly on your skin, for prevention or pain alleviation. If contact with skin is not possible, you can still use the device over the clothes, but the device is less effective.

Is Lucha T8 safe for kids?

Absolutely, children and elders can use it as adults do. Children that have tested Lucha T8 have shown better results in school and sports, more energy and better focus.

Can one place Lucha T8 at different parts of the body?

Yes. The best place to put Lucha T8 is at the solar (celiac) plexus, slightly below the central thoracic bone. The solar plexus, also known as the celiac plexus, is part of the sympathetic nervous system. Essentially it is a ganglion complex consisting of nerves and ganglia which control involuntary actions of the stomach, kidneys, liver and adrenal glands. It is close to the thymus where T cells, an important part of the human immune system, mature. The pulsed red light of Lucha T8 can easily penetrate to the solar plexus and its effects are further transmitted to other parts of the body. However, depending on your present health or mood conditions, Lucha T8 may be placed at different parts of the body. Due to the bio-chemical individuality of each person, different effects may be experienced, and it is suggested that sometimes you try placing Lucha T8 at different parts of the body and remember the effects.

Can someone experience adverse effects during or after Lucha T8 use?

The Lucha T8 device has no negative side effects. All effects of Schumann frequency and red light therapy are known to be beneficial for human and animal wellbeing. Numerous studies and clinical trials support the importance of Schumann frequency for various aspects of proper and balanced functioning of the human body. We mention here just one example. Weak magnetic fields in the Schumann resonance range protect the human heart from stress conditions. Further references and beneficial implications of the use may be found in our scientific articles section.

Why is the usage of Lucha T8 limited to 15 times a day?

The Lucha T8 device can practically be used indefinitely, but it is stated 15 times because it practically means 7.5 hours a day; that is, since the device works for half an hour when it is switched on, then 0.5h x 15 = 7.5h. We take into account that a person works for an average of 8 hours, sleeps for 8 hours, and 8 hours are reserved for rest and relaxation, which is the best time to use the device. Of course, everyone should adjust the use of the device individually, depending on why it is being used in that specific case. It is sufficient to use it 2-3 times a day for a general increase in immunity, improvement of sleep and achievement of internal homeostasis. The only possible side effect during use that we noticed in only a few cases is a local feeling of increased heat at the place of use, which is not a contraindication for further use, but on the contrary, proof that the device works and exerts a local effect on the peripheral nervous system and microvascular system.

Can the device be carried on a plane? Are there any interferences?

Aircraft crews are exposed to the increased effect of the magnetic field generated by the aircraft itself compared to the magnetic fields on the Earth’s surface, especially in the front part of the aircraft (i.e. the pilot, co-pilot and crew in first class). Also, both the crew and passengers are exposed to the strong effect of cosmic radiation, which is much more dangerous to health than the magnetic field. Therefore, Lucha T8 would benefit people who travel a lot because it can reduce these side effects.

Can Lucha T8 be used together with an ionizer?

The ionizer has no effect on the Lucha T8 device, so they can be used simultaneously without fear of reducing the efficiency of one or the other device.

Can we use a mobile phone while using the Lucha T8 device?

When using the Lucha T8 device we should be in a state of relaxation and peace, primarily due to concentration and attention, and hence the device itself will be more effective.

How to use Lucha T8 device to achieve the best effect?

The best effect, in case the person does not have any health issues, is to use the device for preventive purposes in terms of raising the general energy balance, creating homeostasis of the organism and strengthening immunity. Apply Lucha T8 device in the morning and in the evening for 30 minutes on the solar plexus, with the possibility of ensuring total peace in your surroundings.

Where on the body is the best place to apply the Lucha T8 device?

Lucha T8 is placed centrally on the xiphoid extension (top) of the sternum, because this is where the projection of the solar plexus is located, the main sympathetic center of our organism. The fact that you feel discomfort is a sign that your body is responding well and is accepting the Schumann frequency. Such a feeling occurs in about 10% of Lucha T8 device users. You should be persistent and continue to apply it in that place for the next 4-5 days when the feeling of discomfort should stop. If this does not happen, feel free to place the device below the navel, halfway along the vertical line connecting the navel to the pubic bone. This is where a projection of another slightly smaller sympathetic center of the organism, the so-called hypogastric plexus is located. The device is used in the same way as when placed on the solar plexus projection.

Does the Lucha T8 device help people with Parkinson’s disease?

The Lucha T8 device can contribute to the mild relaxation of muscle tension. It cannot cure Parkinson’s disease.

Can I test the device before purchase?

Lucha T8 organizes events and presentations where you can see and test the device. You can follow upcoming events and presentations in the Events section as well as on our Instagram profile. In the most difficult health situations, we offer the possibility of testing for a certain period. Contact us via the website or by phone and describe your situation. Our team will evaluate and let you know if you will get the device for testing and in what time period.

How is Lucha T8 used? | Use Lucha T8 for health improvement

To alleviate pain in all kinds of inflammatory processes, headaches and migraines, use Lucha T8 on a painful spot several times a day for up to 30 minutes per session. Doing so will balance the body’s energy, metabolism, and polarity in a way that gives the organism a chance to recover. The device offers a variety of health improvement benefits such as rapid cell regeneration, muscle relaxation and elimination of bruises.

How is Lucha T8 used? | Use Lucha T8 preventively

For preventive purposes, the device should be placed on the side that emits the light toward the skin, near the solar plexus (approximately 10cm above the navel). It will strengthen your immune system, balance the autonomic nervous system, increase concentration and attention span, and will improve the overall state of the organism.

If Earth’s pulse is in the 7.83Hz frequency, why do I need Lucha T8?

Being exposed to Earth’s pulse (Schumann resonance) allows your body to get into a state of balance and health. Leading a fast-paced lifestyle, having an uneven sleeping regime, a bad quality diet will help the disbalance of your system. We recommend heading out to nature on a weekly basis to expose yourself to Earth’s natural frequency. Lucha T8 can help you balance your organism through preventive usage of the device.

Why should I use Lucha T8 when I can be in nature every day?

The trending lifestyle doesn’t allow us to spend a significant amount of time in nature. However, to those of us who can’t afford to spend a lot of time in nature, Lucha T8 can help by providing Earth’s natural frequency, on a daily basis. Lucha T8 as a brand has a passion for creating a community that understands how important nature is for our health and well being. Join us if you feel the same way.

Can my mobile (cell) phone replace Lucha T8, since I can install an application that generates Schumann frequency?

The simple answer is no. There are several reasons why the frequency and the signal generated by mobile phone and Lucha T8 are different. The human audible range depends on the pitch and loudness of the sound. Pitch is measured in Hertz (Hz) and loudness is measured in decibels (dB). As far as loudness is concerned, people can typically hear starting at 0 dB. The lowest audible pitch is, assuming perfect hearing, around 20 Hz. Schumann frequency is beyond human audible recognition since it’s frequency (7.83 Hz) is beyond hearing threshold. The applications for mobile phones through the wave generator contained in the application generate “very similar but audible tone”. Whatever “very similar” in the description of the application means, the sound generated by the mobile device does not match the frequency of the Schumann resonance since it is audible. Also, cellular frequencies of the electromagnetic waves reaching cell phones, are typically in the range 800 MHz – 1300 MHz, and these waves of much larger power interfere with the frequencies generated by the internal frequency generator of the application, and thus modulate them. Finally, the characteristic feature of the Lucha T8 device is that the Schumann frequency is transmitted to the body by means of red light.

Can Lucha T8 offer protection from harmful effects of electromagnetic radiations that surround us, such as cell phone radiation?

No, but…We are constantly surrounded and influenced by various electromagnetic fields which may be harmful to various degrees. For example, mobile telephony networks, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, radio waves, satellite communications, high-voltage power lines are known to exert adverse effects on human health. Possible acute and mild side effects include headaches, heart palpitations, tinnitus (ear ringing), fatigue, inability to concentrate, nervousness, depression, trembling, loss of appetite, breathing. A chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields of this type may cause more severe adverse effects, even leading to serious illnesses. In order to mitigate the unfavorable effects of powerful electromagnetic fields it may be helpful to use Lucha T8, since it is the source of beneficial very low-intensity magnetic field at the Schumann frequency. Although it cannot absolutely shield the person from adverse effects of electromagnetic radiation, Lucha T8 is beneficial for restoring harmonic functioning of the human body and for diminishing negative effects of stress and other detrimental influences which prevent balanced life.

What is the specific absorption rate (SAR) of Lucha T8?

It is practically negligible and unmeasurable. But let us give an explanation of what SAR is and where the measurement of this quantity is of relevance. SAR (specific absorption rate) refers to electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency (RF) range (3KHz – 300 GHz) which includes mobile telephony, radio waves, microwave radiation, magnetic resonance imaging, etc. All these electromagnetic radiations incite healing effects which is best experienced when a cell phone is used for extended periods of time. Besides frequency, the power of the radiation, in units of Watts, has the most important role. The unit of SAR represents the absorbed energy per unit of body weight averaged over a specified area and is given in Watts/kg or W/kg. The upper limit in European Union for appliances is 2 W/kg. For reference purposes, the SAR value of the iPhone 12 is 0.99 W/kg, while most of the mobile phones of the latest generation have SAR values in the range of 0.9 – 1 W/kg. The red light diode used in Lucha T8 device emits light of frequency equal to approximately 320 GHz while the power is approximately 10 mW (1 W = 1000mW). Once 10 mW is averaged over the weight of the person and the application area the SAR value of Lucha T8 is practically negligible.

Is the Schumann frequency increasing in value?

Numerous and very frequent thunderstorms across the world via lightning generate electromagnetic energy which forms a wave that begins to circle the Earth, trapped between the ground and the ionosphere. Schuman resonance is a set of frequencies representing frequencies of the standing electromagnetic waves which propagate around the Earth between the surface of the earth and the lower layers of the ionosphere. The ionosphere is the electrically charged part of the atmosphere extending from about 60 km to 500 km above the Earth’s surface. The fundamental Schumann frequency is around 7.83 Hz which corresponds to the wave with the smallest number of crests and troughs. Then there are harmonics at approximately 14.3, 20.9, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz and even above, however these higher harmonics are very weak in energy. In Fig. 1 the red wave has the lowest frequency since it has only three crests and three troughs. The blue wave has twice the frequency of the red wave and the frequency of the green wave is approximately seven times the frequency of the red wave. Now, in order for the Schumann frequency of the wave to fundamentally change the shape or the diameter of the Earth would have to change. Also, frequency could hypothetically change if the shape and/or the size of the earth-ionosphere cavity would change. However, none of these changes happen. Minor changes in frequency may originate due to the variations of the atmospheric pressure and/or incoming solar activity, especially due to solar storms which have an effect on the ionosphere. The ionosphere, which prevents the entering of the cosmic radiation in the atmosphere, may also experience small changes which have a minor effect on the frequency. All these changes, even if happened simultaneously, introduce very small variations in the frequency not exceeding 0.5Hz. The power of the signal is proportional to the amplitude of the wave. An illustration of power (amplitude) and frequency of the wave is presented in Fig. 1, where blue signals f 1 and f 2 have the same frequency but the dotted blue wave has higher energy. Although the signal of 7.83 Hz carries the most energy, the real changes occur in the power of the harmonics, particularly 2nd (14.3 Hz), 3 rd (20.9 Hz) and 4th (27.3 Hz). At certain times, these harmonics may become energetically dominant. For example on April 24th 2020, the dominant power was at the 20th harmonic (156 Hz). Many people have erroneously assumed that the Schumann frequency has risen to 156 Hz. But that was not the case, only there was an unusually large increase of power at this frequency.

Why do we need the Lucha T8 device if the Earth is already emitting that same frequency?

The device emits the Schumann frequency in the form of electromagnetic waves of 7.83 Hz via infrared waves. Infrared waves have a wavelength of 800 nanometers and as such penetrate deepest, up to 5-6 mm, into the tissue and achieve a photodynamic effect, causing stimulation and effective chemical reactions, in addition to the transmission of electromagnetic waves through local nerve tangles. In fact, infrared light serves as a carrier of electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 7.83 Hz in the form of smaller packets in which they are stored – quanta of energy, and conducts them deeper into the tissues, from where they have a quantum effect on the CNS (Central Nervous System). When you walk on Earth, you should keep in mind that this universal Schumann resonance (on which life on Earth developed) of 7.83 Hz changes under the influence of various available electromagnetic devices, transmission lines, solar storms, etc. So, walking barefoot on the Earth, we do not know exactly which vibration or electromagnetic wave we are exposed to. The moment of attention, that is, the moment when we turn on the Lucha T8 device and mentally focus on solving the given problem is very important. The wood itself (walnut), from the wooden box in which the device is stored, has beneficial effects on the body as a whole, which is described on our website. All these are advantages that, for all of us who have this device with us and whose benefits we have seen, make Lucha T8 a real companion in our everyday life which we enjoy having around.

What is the difference between audio Schumann waves and sound?

The main difference between audio Schumann waves, which are created as an acoustic phenomenon, and Lucha T8, which emits light in the form of Schumann frequency, is that sound is a mechanical wave, and light is an electromagnetic wave. Sound is defined as an objective, purely physical phenomenon, i.e. oscillatory movement of the excited elastic medium from the source to the sound receiver. It can also be defined as a subjective, predominantly psychological phenomenon, i.e. inner perception. Then it starts with the sensory input as a mechanical action, it continues through the organ of Corti (part of the structure of the ear) which translates the sound wave into an electrical impulse that is processed in the central nervous system where it is transformed into a sensation of sound, while at the same time the nerve impulses reach each cell and it is accepted as information by the cellular consciousness. In addition to this path of sound “from the outside to the inside”, there is, however, a direct connection between the source of the sound and the human consciousness, which bypasses the entire auditory apparatus when the perception of sound is experienced through the energy envelope (aura) from where it is accepted at all levels of consciousness (subconscious, conscious, superconsciousness). In fact, it is not the sound wave that the aura reacts to, but the intention of the sound source to start the sound oscillation, and even when it comes to a lightning strike. And on top of that – the (super)consciousness of the one who perceives the sound participates in that intention and therefore in the action. It means that (super)consciousness has a dual role: it is a receiver of sound information, but it is also related to the energies of the sound source, and is therefore a part of the source. On the other hand, the Lucha T8 device acts in 2 ways as a generator and emitter of safe non-ionizing radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 7.83 Hz: The first way is the quantum influence of Lucha T8 on the physical system of the organism and its constituent parts. The physical system of the human organism consists of its organic and inorganic structure (organs, cells, water, chemical and physical elements) as well as the fields created by all of them individually, and also overall as one general field that the human organism as an authentic whole creates around itself. Another mechanism of action of Lucha T8 is the influence on the work of the local nervous system – peripheral and vegetative, as well as an indirect effect on the CNS through the influence on certain impulses. The advantage of Lucha T8 would be precisely that direct action on the part of the body where it is placed, where it affects the process of harmonization and optimization of neurosynaptic and energy flows at the level of local neural networks. Likewise, in case of disturbed local energy and electrochemical flow, it can help in “unblocking” such a pathogenic stagnation and contribute to the initiation of mechanisms for regulating the existing dysfunction. This is the mechanism by which Lucha T8 can also locally relieve pain in a relatively short period of time.

Is Lucha T8 similar to acupuncture and do they have anything in common?

Acupuncture works through physical stimulation on nerve ganglia (chakras), as well as acupressure, without applying vibration. Lucha T8 works via electromagnetic stimulation (light stimulation at a specific frequency). Therefore, they are completely different mechanisms of action.

We know that nice thoughts, feelings and love have a high frequency. How does Lucha T8 fit in and explain the positive effect of the device and its low frequency?

“Frequency of emotions” is an abstract concept that has no scientific confirmation or can it be measured. Of course, there are various websites that show the numerical values ​​of these frequencies, but they have no scientific basis. Frequencies in the human body originate from the functioning of the heart and brain, two organs that generate electromagnetic (EM) waves. Emotions can affect the frequencies of these organs, but these changes are too small to say with certainty that they are the product of certain emotions. Brain EM waves exist as alpha, beta, gamma, delta and theta waves. But the transition from one wave state to another is not a product of emotions, but of brain activity. All frequencies that are a product of the human organism are in the range of 7-30 Hz, that is, in the area of ​​extremely low frequencies. Therefore, the effect of the Lucha T8 device is in the frequency domain, which leads to optimal functioning of the entire organism.

Since the Earth’s frequency can change, how does Lucha T8 help us?

As with all standing waves, the Schumann resonance is also a product of a standing wave whose one end is on the surface of the Earth and the other on the lowest layer of the ionosphere. There are basic (fundamental) waves and so-called harmonics. Sometimes the term “First harmonic” is used for the fundamental wave or frequency. The frequency of the basic wave is 7.83 Hz, but variations are possible depending on atmospheric conditions, solar storms, cosmic radiation, etc. For example, today the frequency of the fundamental wave ranged between 7.46 and 8.11 Hz. The first harmonic, however, had a frequency between 12.60 and 14.90 Hz, the second harmonic in the interval 19.60 – 20.60 Hz, the third in the interval 23.60 – 27.60 Hz, etc. for higher harmonics. Therefore, the basic Schumann frequency does not increase constantly, but can vary by about 5-6% around the value of 7.83 Hz. Of course, if higher harmonics are observed, it is possible to notice higher frequencies, and hence the interpretation that the frequency is constantly increasing appears. However, the basic frequency of 7.83 Hz is the most important and it determines the frequencies of all other harmonics, and has the most important therapeutic role, among other things, because it is the closest to the natural frequency of brain waves that manifest in a person’s awake state. The frequency of each subsequent harmonic is higher than the frequency of the previous harmonic. Lucha T8 device uses red light which already has known therapeutic properties and which flickers at the fundamental Schumann frequency of 7.83 Hz.

How does Lucha T8 connect us with nature and the environment?

Lucha T8 is a device used for energy stabilization and homeostasis of our organism as a whole, connecting us to the natural frequency of vibrations of our planet Earth. In this way, it enables a more complete harmony of our organism, relaxation and strengthening of our immune defense mechanism. With Lucha T8 we should return to nature, ourselves and our environment, learning how to enjoy every moment with as few stressful situations that could harm our health as possible.

Does the IR diode on Lucha T8 device emit EMP or just IR pulses?

Lucha T8 device also produces electromagnetic pulses with low power. The effect of the red light is to conduct the pulsations more effectively into the body, rather than the purpose being purely for electrical and/or magnetic pulsations.

If the earth’s frequency changes soon, what happens with the Lucha T8 device?

The Earth’s fundamental frequency varies a little, it is almost constantly from 7 to 8 Hz , so it practically does not change. Higher harmonics can be changed (eg. 20 times the fundamental frequency – around 160Hz), but this does not affect the fundamental frequency or the Lucha T8 device.

Does Lucha T8 protect against all types of non-ionizing radiation (electromagnetic radiation from all technical devices, geopathogenic and cosmic radiation)?

There is not a single device that can protect against all electromagnetic and other non-ionizing radiation. Not one. The Lucha T8 device emits pulsating light at the Schumann frequency, which spreads through nerve channels throughout the body and reduces the influence of other negative radiations, while increasing the positive effect of red light and the Schumann frequency.

How can we defend ourselves against the 5G network with the help of the Lucha T8 device?

Lucha T8 emits non-ionizing radiation of a frequency of 7.83 Hz, which has a beneficial effect on the human body. As for 5G radiation, it is not yet clear what it attacks and what we need to defend against. In any case, Lucha T8 will have a calming and stabilizing effect, within the limits of its capabilities.

How does Lucha T8 work and according to what principle?

The frequency of the Earth changes, but Lucha T8 acts locally on the individual organism and on the corresponding part of the body where the frequency of 7.83 Hz emitted from the device is mainly generated. Acting locally on the autonomic nervous system and peripheral nerves, Lucha T8 generates and emits exactly that common frequency which is also the natural frequency of the Earth (7.8Hz) and at which DNA molecules communicate most effectively with each other. This enables optimal alignment of the organism and harmonization with the environment even in conditions of variable vibration frequency of the Earth’s surface. Such local harmonization of the human organism with the environment achieves a state of a more complete energy balance of the entire organism, which also leads to strengthening of immunity as a whole. The device works on the principle of an electronic oscillator that generates an electromagnetic field with a LED diode (light emitting diode). Similar electronic circuits, of course with important differences, are found in a large number of devices from televisions to artificial satellites.

What is the Schumann resonance?

The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. This global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship the Lucha T8 device worldwide. You can order the device here.

How can I contact Lucha T8 team?

You can contact us via email at this address:

What is the price of the Lucha T8 device?

You can see the price of the Lucha T8 device here.

My card has been declined, what should I do?

If your card has been rejected, try purchasing the device again via our eShop. In case the card is declined again, contact your bank to determine the reason for this issue.

During checkout, a larger amount than the amount displayed in the basket was withdrawn, why did this happen?

If the amount is the same as the amount in the shopping cart, the difference created during payment is due to the conversion of your currency into the currency of the company’s headquarters, the Dinar of the Republic of Serbia (RSD). Conversion Statement ‘All payments will be effected in Serbian currency – dinar (RSD). The amount your credit card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Serbian dinar according to the current exchange rate of the Serbian National Bank. When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our web site’.

Are there customs charges with device delivery?

If you order is from countries outside of Serbia or prominent distributors listed on the contact page of our website, customs costs are possible. For the selected destination, the user can expect the calculation of taxes and duties, according to the customs regulations of the country of import upon arrival in the customs zone, for the amounts and exemption from the same, please contact the nearest Fedex customs office, expect exemption from customs calculations with a statement that Lucha T8 is a product that has preferential origin, which we regularly place on the invoices.

What are the shipping costs?

Delivery costs per order are 30 EUR for device delivery worldwide. Delivery to Serbia is free.

What is the estimated delivery time per order?

The maximum delivery time for areas outside of Serbia is 30 working days. When ordering from Serbia, the “Pošta” courier collects the Lucha T8 device on the same day if you order is placed by 3 p.m. Your order is delivered at your address the next day. The courier contacts you via the phone number that was indicated on the order to check whether you are at the address. You receive a text message from “Pošta” that the order has arrived and will be delivered to you during the day. The text message also contains the phone number of the courier so that you can contact them and check when arrival at your address is expected. If you order on a Friday, in case there is a “Pošta” facility that delivers on a Saturday near you, your order may arrive at the specified address. If you do not have a “Posta” facility that delivers on a Saturday, your order will be delivered on Monday. During the holidays, longer delivery times are possible, 3-7 working days.

What happens if I am not at home when you deliver the purchase?

If you are not at the address listed in the order when the courier delivers your device, contact the courier service in your country for collection. Standard delivery rules dictate that you will be notified via email or phone before delivery.

How do I give you instructions for the delivery?

When placing an order via our eShop, you leave us your contact and address information, which we use to deliver the device to you. You can see how we use your data here.

How can I track my order?

If your order is outside of Serbia, we are currently developing the ability to track orders with the help of the FedEx courier service. If your order of the device is in the territory of Serbia, when the courier collects the device at our premises, he leaves us a confirmation slip, which we send to you as a notification that the device has been sent. By calling the number listed on the confirmation slip, you can check where your device is currently located.

Do you offer deferred payment options? (only for Serbia)

We offer the possibility of deferred payment of up to 12 monthly installments through our partnership with Banca Intesa, by purchasing through our eShop. In order to exercise the option to deferred payment, you need to have a Banca Intesa credit card. If you do not have a Banca Intesa credit card, we offer deferred payment in three monthly installments. Call us at +381 69 369 3669 for further instructions.

Can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order by calling the number +381 69 369 3669 or by sending an email via We ship devices within a short period of time after receiving the order, sometimes within 2-3 hours after receiving the order. If we have already sent you the device before you canceled, you can submit a money back request.

How do I order?

If you are having issues with purchasing or are not sure know how to complete the purchase process on our eShop, watch this video.

If I am not satisfied with the device, can I return it?
Refunds and Warranty

Absolutely, the deadline with our Money Back Policy is 30 days from the day of delivery. You can return the device to the address Tetovska 62, 11000, Belgrade. You can find more info about our Money Back Policy here.

What is the money back procedure?
Refunds and Warranty

Acceptance of advertised goods is if you bring: an undamaged and functional device, the original receipt and a completed complaint card that you receive in the box of the device. We do not cover the delivery cost of the device return. If you meet the conditions of the complaint, the money will be returned to you within 7 days.

What is the warranty period for the device?
Refunds and Warranty

Compliance for electronic defects is valid for 24 months from the date of purchase. You can find out more information about warranty find out here.

Will you service my device under warranty?
Refunds and Warranty

The customer loses the right to warranty, i.e. the right to complaint and free servicing in case of: - inadequate handling of the product using excessive force - improper use of the product that is not in accordance with the operating instructions - using the product for purposes for which the product is not intended - if the malfunction is caused by not following the given operating instructions - if any repairs and repair attempts have been made to the product by unauthorized persons

I’ve purchased my device with a coupon, what amount do I receive if I were to ask for a return?
Refunds and Warranty

If your return complies with our Money Back Policy, the amount you receive with the return of your device is equal to the amount you payed when checking out via our eShop. The amount we return includes initial device delivery, however we do not cover the delivery cost of the device return.

How can I activate my warranty?
Refunds and Warranty

If the failure of your device falls under the listed compliance items, please send the device to an authorized service center for your area. You can see more information about the warranty here.

How do I know you received my money back request?
Refunds and Warranty

When we receive a money back request from you, you will receive a notification from our team. In case you did not receive a response via email in a timely manner, please call us at +381 69 369 3669 or send us a message at

The device I received does not work, what should I do? Can I get a new one?
Refunds and Warranty

In case you received a device that does not work, you can call us at +381 369 3669 or send us a message at with information so that we can contact you for the further inspection. In the event that the device is found to be defective and the is within the warranty period, you will receive a new device as soon as possible.

What happens with my money back request if the card I used to purchase is no longer active?
Refunds and Warranty

If you have a money back request and the card you ordered is no longer active, we will refund your money in accordance with the legal regulations that are provided for such situations for your country.

Will Lucha T8 help with my specific condition?
Health Benefits

Lucha T8 has proven to have a wide spectrum effect. This has been reported by over 100 users. You can see some of their experiences here.

Can Lucha T8 be used against hair loss in androgenetic alopecia and telogen effluvium?
Health Benefits

Since we are still in the evaluation phase of researching the effect of our device on various processes in our body, we must honestly tell you that we do not have much experience with alopecia. However, both types of alopecia that you mentioned are affected by a lot of stressful factors, although specifically androgenic alopecia in women is mostly genetically determined. Lucha T8 is a device that, among other things, reduces the level of stress in the body and synchronizes our brain waves with nature and the natural frequencies of the earth’s vibration, thereby strengthening the immune system and homogenizing energy processes. Under such conditions, a large number of anti-stress substances are secreted (melatonin, enkephalins, etc.) Since Lucha T8 emits infrared light in the form of electromagnetic waves, it is likely that it will stimulate the growth of hair follicles and increase its activity. The device should be applied intermittently to the area of ​​the solar plexus on the chest and to the part of the head without hair (2x on the solar plexus for half an hour and 2x on the part of the head without hair) and in 2-3 weeks you will notice yourself whether it has an effect.

Can I use Lucha T8 for tinnitus?
Health Benefits

We don’t have much experience with people who have tinnitus, but it’s worth trying the Lucha T8 device. We know that tinnitus is the sensation of sound in the ear without a corresponding external stimulus. The sound can manifest itself as a hum or a noise. Tinnitus is not a disease, but a symptom, which can cause a large number of conditions and diseases (e.g. ear infections, foreign objects in the ear), and a side effect caused by some medicaments (e.g. aspirin). Tinnitus can be present in both ears or only in one ear. The frequency of individual tinnitus also differs. Tinnitus can also be divided into continuous and periodic tinnitus according to its duration. Since sound is a mechanical oscillation that is only converted into an electromagnetic wave in the inner ear, we cannot say for sure how this pathological disorder interferes with the Schumann frequency (which is an electromagnetic wave) and the infrared light generated in our Lucha T8 device. What is promising is that a certain number of tinnitus patients respond well to melatonin preparations given for insomnia, and we also have a very positive experience with people who have used melatonin for insomnia for many years and have stopped after using Lucha T8 . Another significant experience is that one of our clients who has Meniere’s disease responded fantastically to Lucha T8 and lost his tinnitus, which is one of the 4 main symptoms of that disease. So, we can recommend it, we don’t know for sure what the reaction will be, but it’s worth a try. The device should be applied intermittently to the area of ​​the solar plexus on the chest and the diseased ear (2x on the solar plexus for half an hour and 2x on the ear for half an hour) so you will notice for yourself within a few days whether it has an effect.

Can Lucha T8 have an effect on thyroid cysts?
Health Benefits

As for the cyst itself, we don’t know what effect the Schumann Resonance has on it, but we don’t think it can have any harmful effect and you can use Lucha T8 2-3x a day. It is also important what the hormonal status is – whether it is euthyroid, hypothyroid or hyperthyroid, i.e. whether the hormonal status is within the physiological limits or possibly the thyroid hormone is secreted in deficiency or, as is the most common case, in excess. In general, thyroid cysts should be monitored, but they should also be biopsied, especially if they are over 3 cm or filled with foreign content. Lack of iodine in the body is often the cause of cysts, but follow-up, possible biopsy and treatment should be discussed with the endocrinologist. Lucha T8 can contribute to the harmonization of the entire organism, and to a good balance of the hormonal status. It can be especially useful if a person is under acute or chronic stress, which also affects the function of the thyroid gland.

How to use the Lucha T8 device in case of multiple leg or arm fractures where screws are present?
Health Benefits

Apply the device 3-4 times a day on the solar plexus and 3-4 times a day on the place of the injury.

Can Lucha T8 help the regulation of the menstrual cycle?
Health Benefits

To maintain the menstrual cycle and reduce discomfort, apply the device 3 times a day on the solar plexus and 3 times a day halfway between the navel and the pubic bone.

Can Lucha T8 be used by a person with a detached retina?
Health Benefits

It can, by applying it on the solar plexus 2-3 times a day. For now, it is not recommended to hold the device directly on the head. In some situations, looking directly into the red light that emits the Schumann frequency for a short period of time could theoretically contribute to improving the function of the eye apparatus and balancing the overall energy in the body.

Can Lucha T8 be placed directly on the eyes?
Health Benefits

When holding the device about 30 to 40 cm from the eyes, by looking at it, we encourage visualization. The device can be placed directly on the eyelids, thus stimulating chromophores, molecules in the subcutaneous tissue that are responsible for light absorption. The device should be used 2 to 3 times a day.

How does Lucha T8 affect contact dermatitis?
Health Benefits

People with contact dermatitis should use the device 3 to 4 times a day, placed on the solar plexus. In combination with keeping it on the skin, apply the device 1-2 times a day to every change on the skin (where the change is most visible).

Can Lucha T8 device be used by people who are on methadone treatment?
Health Benefits

Pharmacokinetic receptors are not targets of electromagnetic waves of light and Schumann frequency. Both light and electromagnetic waves of the Schumann frequency act through separate receptors, so by homogenizing and balancing the body’s energy, they can only make medication be even more effective.

How can Lucha T8 help with panic attacks?
Health Benefits

In case of panic attacks, the device is placed on the solar plexus 3 times during the day, and attention is achieved by deep breathing – 5 seconds of deep inhalation through the nose and the same amount of deep exhalation through the nose. If we want to activate the parasympathetic system, which can additionally contribute to reducing the intensity of panic attacks, then the exhalation should be extended by 1-2 seconds. Since a panic attack is a type of stress, it is important that the stomach type of breathing (previously described) activates the vagus nerve – the main nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system. Breathing is the only action that we can consciously control and it is under the influence of the autonomic nervous system. Shallow lung breathing, which usually brings with it anxiety and nervousness, is a reaction of the sympathetic nervous system. Therefore, it is important that during a panic attack, with Lucha T8 (with all its effects and benefits), we activate the parasympathetic system through the vagus nerve with the previously described stomach breathing.

Does it help with knee pain, gonarthrosis?
Health Benefits

It can help. It is generally applied combined both to the solar plexus 3 times a day and locally to the place of the strongest pain on the knee 3-5 times a day (to the skin above the point where the projection of pain is the strongest).

Can Lucha T8 help with arrhythmias (ventricular extrasystoles)?
Health Benefits

We have minimal experience with patients who have any heart rhythm disorders. Evolutionary studies in cooperation with cardiologists are ahead of us.

How does Lucha T8 help people with diabetes?
Health Benefits

It is a complex question because there are different stages and different types of diabetes. But generally speaking, by homogenizing and achieving the internal balance of the organism, as well as by establishing the energy balance of the organism, the harmful effects of stress that contribute to the worsening of diabetes can be removed to a significant extent. Of course, in the first place it should be emphasized that there is treatment of diabetes with standard medical protocols (hygiene-diet regimen, oral hypoglycemic agents, insulin, etc.). In such situations, Lucha T8 is only an auxiliary tool that can contribute to a faster and more effective action of the medicines used in diabetes therapy.

How does Lucha T8 help with minimal cerebral dysfunction in children as young as 12 and children with autism?
Health Benefits

We don’t have much experience with 12-year-old children or under. What we do know is that the Schumann resonance signal correlates extremely well with the geomagnetic activity of the Sun. Based on the great similarity with the human EEG spectrum, there is evidence that the Schumann resonance frequency acts as a metronome, that is, a rhythm regulator for various human physiological activities. The role of the Schumann resonance is precisely to synchronize the biological and daily cycle and contribute to the maintenance of internal homeostasis. Increasing solar activity and the appearance of solar storms affect the disruption of that homeostasis, which is first reflected in blood pressure variations and melatonin values, which are responsible for maintaining the daily hormone cycle. For now, we would not be able to recommend the use of Lucha T8 device in a 12-year-old child with brain damage, because we do not know exactly what kind of damage it is and we do not know how that damage is related to external atmospheric factors and environmental factors in general. It can happen that the effect is extremely favorable and that, with the help of Lucha T8, a better synchronization of the child’s brain activity with the Schumann frequency and, indirectly, the emergence of stabilization of homeostasis can occur. Therefore, the use would be at your own risk, and we are at your disposal for any further advice. Based on the above, the use of the Lucha T8 device, which combines the effects of red light and Schumann’s electromagnetic waves, should not cause any unwanted effects, but on the contrary, they could help in all of the above. If you decide to try it, the use would be 2 times a day for 3 days, then 3 times a day for the next 4 days on the solar plexus. After 7 days, you should already notice some effect. As for mobile and television devices, the child should not use them if they can concentrate only on the device. If they need to focus their attention on something, then it is best to watch television and put the mobile devices away while using the Lucha T8 device.

Does Lucha T8 have any benefits for high blood pressure?
Health Benefits

Lucha T8 can have a very good effect on blood pressure because it leads to the homogenization of the energy state and homeostasis, which is a condition for maintaining normal pressure. By reducing stress and its negative impact on the human body through the activity of the autonomic nervous system, blood pressure should also be stabilized. It is necessary to measure blood pressure values ​​at least 4 times a day and compare them with previous days (3-5 days) when Lucha T8 was not used. In consultation with a cardiologist, see if there is a need to reduce the dose. Then, when the dose of antihypertensive drugs is prescribed, the blood pressure should be measured 3 times a day (every 8 hours) for the next month. If the blood pressure has stabilized, the frequency of blood pressure control should be measured further with the advice of a cardiologist.

How does Lucha T8 affect children with developmental disabilities?
Health Benefits

Although our experiences with children who have developmental difficulties are not great, we have only positive information from several users. For example, the mother of a child who has autism and distinct changeable behavior, problems with attention, concentration and sleep informs us that after a month of using the Lucha T8 device, sleep problems were solved, nervousness and anxiety were reduced. It is certain that by interfering with alpha brain waves that function in the range between 7 and 14 Hz, and when a significant amount of “positive hormones” (melatonin, serotonin, endorphins, estrogen) is released, the device works in terms of protecting the optimal state of the organism, maintaining the energy balance and stimulation of psychosomatic well-being. On the other hand, at this level, the device also works in terms of harmonizing internal dysfunctions and restoring the disturbed psychosomatic balance. We think that there are no contraindications and that you should try it. In the beginning, the device can be used 2 times a day in the first few days (3-4 days), and then it can be used up to 4 times during the day by applying it to the solar plexus, if there are no adverse reactions and if the response is satisfactory.

How does Lucha T8 affect absolute arrhythmia?
Health Benefits

Unfortunately, we have minimal experience with patients who have any heart rhythm disorders. Evolutionary studies in cooperation with cardiologists are ahead of us. Theoretically, if the cause of the arrhythmia was some stressogenic factor, which led to disturbances in the function of the autonomic nervous system, perhaps Lucha T8 could be useful. On the other hand, since absolute arrhythmia often occurs as a result of disturbances of neurophysiological processes on the conducting apparatus of the heart caused by various other etiological factors (viruses, endocrinological, neurological, electrolyte imbalance, etc.), one could hardly expect Lucha T8 to help.

Can I use the device after breast cancer surgery and radiation therapy?
Health Benefits

We don’t have much experience with patients who have or have had some kind of malignancy, but you should keep in mind that Lucha T8 is a device that creates energy homeostasis of the body and thus affects our psychophysical stability and strengthening of immunity. Having all that in mind, we think that you can use it, that with it you will increase your energy, possibly remove fatigue or weakness, and probably some acute pain if you have it. It depends on a lot of associated factors, the most important of which is your frequency openness. Given that you are interested and open to this type of establishing psychophysical homeostasis and achieving energy stability, we assume that the device can be useful to you and that you will be satisfied with it. We do not expect any side effects. Lucha T8 has a preventive effect on our body, preventing disruption of homeostasis and imbalance, while tumor processes represent the 4th advanced stage of the disease. Therefore, for people who have been diagnosed with a malignant tumor or any kind of benign tumor, Lucha T8 can improve the quality of life in terms of reducing pain, anxiety, improving sleep, strengthening resistance to secondary infections.

How does Lucha T8 device help chronic tension headaches caused by overuse of analgesics?
Health Benefits

Apply the device 2 times a day on the area of ​​the painful temple, in combination with applying it on the solar plexus 3 times a day for 7 days.

Can Lucha T8 device be used by people who have any kind of implant?
Health Benefits

It can be used by all users who have static foreign bodies such as prostheses, orthopedic screws, stents, etc. For now, we do not recommend the use of the Lucha T8 device for those people who have some kind of electrical stimulators such as pacemakers, electrical stimulators of gastric motility, etc.

Can the device be used by a 5-year-old child who has not started to speak yet?
Health Benefits

Our device is a generator that emits the Schumann frequency in the form of infrared radiation and it acts on the energy balance, homeostasis and the overall body-spiritual balance of our organism, raising our immunity to satisfactory limits, and preventively acting on many conditions that can be the cause of various types of disorders in our organism. It can also be used by children. We still have no experience with how it specifically affects the appearance of delayed speech in children, and any feedback would be valuable to us. What is certain is that it cannot be harmful, and it would be used normally by placing it in the projection of the solar plexus at the level on the top of the sternum, which would achieve an effect on the entire organism (3-4 times a day for half an hour).

How does Lucha T8 work with lung and liver cancer?
Health Benefits

The Lucha T8 device primarily acts preventively to establish the internal homeostasis of the organism, energy balance and thus to strengthen the immune system as a whole. It is not used to treat any organic disease, especially those in advanced stages such as lung and liver cancers, as you mentioned. However, it can be used to improve general symptoms in patients with the above-mentioned diagnosis, and in this sense, it can lead to a reduction in tension and greater relaxation of the body, improvement of attention and sleep, sometimes even to soothing pain or general discomfort of the body. The mentioned experiences are individual, not great, but still positive. What is important is that it cannot harm you and lead to a worsening of the condition.

Can pregnant women use Lucha T8?
Health Benefits

We don’t have much experience with using the device during pregnancy and we can’t recommend it for now. But, if you have major problems with insomnia, a general feeling of malaise, loss of attention and concentration, vague pains in the abdomen or other parts of the body, you can try using it after the end of the third month of pregnancy when the fetus is fully formed, before that period device usage is not recommended. In medicine, we call that period the end of embryogenesis. Use the device per standard 2-3 times a day on the solar plexus or in case of pain, above the painful place 2-3 times a day in combination with applying it on the solar plexus.

Can Lucha T8 device be used by a person who has a pacemaker?
Health Benefits

For all users who have electrical stimulators of any kind (cardiac pacemakers, gastrointestinal electrical stimulators) or implanted foreign bodies made of metal (artificial heart valves, orthopedic endoprostheses, etc.), for now we do not recommend using the device because we do not have enough experience yet. We do not know whether the Schumann frequency can interfere with the heart rate. We assume that there are no contraindications, but we do not recommend it for now.

Can patients who have a heart disease use the Lucha T8 device?
Health Benefits

For now, what we know, heart patients should not have any problems, except for those with a pacemaker. You can apply the device on the solar plexus, which is exactly at the length of Lucha T8’s neckband, that is, under the xiphoid process of the sternum. This is where the effect on the entire organism is most optimal, and at a decent distance from the sinoatrial node of the heart, which is the natural cardiac pacemaker. If you feel any deterioration (you shouldn’t) or an unusual disturbance of the heart and heart rhythm, stop using it and contact a cardiologist for a consultation.

Does Lucha T8 device affect insulin resistance?
Health Benefits

Insulin resistance is the initial stage of the body’s metabolic disorders, which in a later stage can lead to diabetes. In this regard, since Lucha T8 has a preventive effect on homeostasis and energy stabilization of the organism, changing the frequency of cells could theoretically enable the improvement of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. In any case, the use of Lucha T8 is recommended for all people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, weakness, loss of energy, concentration disorders, etc.

How does Lucha T8 device affect people diagnosed with epilepsy?
Health Benefits

We don’t have much experience with people who have epilepsy or a tendency to have this condition. Our opinion is that there should not be any unwanted occurrences, considering that it is unlikely that the Schumann frequency coincides with the frequency of the cells which are the source of epilepsy. The first results are encouraging, it turned out that people who have epileptic seizures, and used Lucha T8 device, had no unwanted side effects. Depending on the case, Lucha T8 helped them in terms of a general effect on homeostasis and establishment of the body’s energy balance. On the other hand, it has been scientifically proven that melatonin has an “anticonvulsant” effect, and the Schumann frequency precisely works to optimize the amount of melatonin secreted from the pineal gland. When used, Lucha T8 “delivers” the Schumann frequency via near-infrared light, so we recommend using the device by placing it in the projection of the solar plexus (on the xiphoid process of the sternum) 3-4 times a day.

Can Lucha T8 be used for anxiety in combination with homeopathic medicines?
Health Benefits

Lucha T8 device should bring the organism to a state of energy balance and homeostasis, because by means of near-infrared light, which is an electromagnetic wave, it delivers the Schumann frequency to all parts of the body, synchronizing with the alpha brain rhythm (7-14 Hz) during which the largest amount of hormones for well-being (melatonin, serotonin, dopamine, opiates, etc.) are being secreted and optimized as part of the circadian (day-night) rhythm. Lucha T8 can easily be combined with homeopathic medicines, not canceling, but on the contrary, potentiating their effect.

How to use the device in case of accelerated heart rate and consumption of beta blockers?
Health Benefits

Do not quit your standard therapy without consulting your doctor. Use the device 3 times a day by applying it on the solar plexus.

Can Lucha T8 be used by people suffering from epilepsy, Angelman syndrome?
Health Benefits

In Angelman syndrome, epilepsy most often appears between the ages of 2 and 3 along with balance disorders. Since the Schumann frequency is similar and is in the alpha-brain rhythm range between 7 and 14 Hz, it is expected that by achieving energy balance and synchronizing the brain rhythm with the natural Schumann frequencies, the impact of the electrical discharge of the epileptic focus in the brain will be reduced, and hence the degree and intensity of epileptic attacks will be reduced. We do not have much experience, literature rarely contains clearly defined data with little real clinical experience about Schumann and epilepsies. There are no contraindications for the Lucha T8 device and you can use it combined centrally (in the position of the solar plexus) and at the point of pain or discomfort if there is any. It is best to use the device 3-4 times a day both centrally and locally.

Can Lucha T8 help with benign angioma changes?
Health Benefits

Lucha T8 affects the general state of the organism when used as instructed, centrally in the projection of the solar plexus, reducing nervousness and tension, restoring the body’s energy balance and improving sleep. So far, we have no experience in removing angioma-type skin changes.

Does Lucha T8 help stroke survivors?
Health Benefits

After a stroke, Lucha T8 could theoretically speed up recovery, improve sleep, and reduce irritability. It can also contribute to improving immunity, which is reduced after a stroke.

Can the Lucha T8 device be used by a child who has a heart defect and has already had a heart operation?
Health Benefits

There are no contraindications for the Lucha T8 device. It can be applied centrally (in the projection of the solar plexus) and at the place of pain or discomfort, if there is any. It is best to use the device 3-4 times a day, both centrally and locally.

Can I use the Lucha T8 device while taking antidepressants?
Health Benefits

There are no contraindications for the Lucha T8 device and you can use it combined centrally (in the projection of the solar plexus) and at the point of pain or discomfort if there is any. It is best to use the device 3-4 times a day both centrally and locally.

How does the Lucha T8 device help with physical injuries?
Health Benefits

Lucha T8 can contribute to faster recovery from injuries, primarily by improving local microcirculation, i.e. blood flow in the small blood vessels of the damaged region. The device is applied both centrally and locally at the place of injury, 3-4 times a day. Of course, classic injury recovery procedures are used along with rehabilitation using modern methods of physical medicine.

Can Lucha T8 help with emphysema?
Health Benefits

In both emphysema cases, the Schumann frequency could lead to energy stabilization of the condition and establishment of energy balance in conditions of reduced respiratory capacity, and therefore to the optimization of breathing, maximum preservation of respiratory reserves, which leads to an improvement in the quality of life as a whole. We don’t have much experience with people who have emphysema, but all the positive things that the Schumann frequency has on the body could be beneficial.

How does Lucha T8 help with dental implants, fillings and similar interventions?
Health Benefits

It can have a beneficial effect on the local tissue under and around the implant, improving microvascularization and blood flow through small blood vessels, creating an energy balance locally in that microenvironment. This way, the inflammation process around the implant can be reduced and the regeneration of the surrounding tissue can be accelerated. The Schumann frequency cannot be changed locally under the influence of dental implants. Lucha T8 can be used without problems by people who have dental implants. Also, any other interventions on the teeth are not a contraindication for using the Lucha T8 device.

How does Lucha T8 help with foot fungus?
Health Benefits

The Schumann frequency achieves a beneficial effect, energy balance and homeostasis of the organism – centrally by application to the solar plexus and locally in the area of ​​the body surface to which it is applied. Both red light and the Schumann frequency through which it is transmitted have a beneficial effect on the local processes of microvascularization and tissue regeneration, and the final effect can be a reduction of inflammation or its complete disappearance. Fungal infection of the feet is one of the types of inflammatory process on which both the Schumann frequency and red light can have a beneficial effect individually, and even more strongly combined.

How does Lucha T8 help with insomnia?
Health Benefits

In case of insomnia, the Lucha T8 device should be used centrally – placing it in the projection of the solar plexus (10cm above the navel) at least 3-4 times a day until satisfactory sleep is achieved. When using the Lucha T8 device and applying it on the solar plexus, it is important to keep the person relaxed and self-centered. If you are at home (indoors), some relaxing music can significantly contribute to the relaxed atmosphere. If you are somewhere outside, it is best to use the Lucha T8 device in places where you are in closest contact with nature (next to large bodies of water, in the forest, in the countryside, next to streams, etc.).

How does Lucha T8 help with ulcerative colitis?
Health Benefits

We do not have specific results concerning ulcerative colitis, but based on the experience and verified knowledge about the effect of the Schumann frequency and the effect of red light on the entire organism, we assume that Lucha T8 can have a beneficial effect and relieve symptoms for people with inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease) and bring the organism to a state of better energy balance that would lead to a reduction or disappearance of symptoms. Lucha T8 could also be used in the acute phase of the disease (when the clinical picture is dominated by diarrheal syndrome with or without the presence of fresh blood in the stool, pain in the lower abdomen, spasms, sometimes fever). Lucha T8 could also significantly prolong disease remission (the quiescent phase) of the disease. Lucha T8 achieves this effect by acting on the solar nerve plexus, which is directly connected to the autonomic nervous system of the digestive tract through its extensions.

Can Lucha T8 help with psoriasis and acne?
Health Benefits

Psoriasis, acne, eczema, baldness are primary skin diseases, because they arise due to the action of pathological changes in the skin itself. The red light from the Lucha T8 device (through which the Schumann frequency is delivered to the body) and acts locally on these changes, leading to a reduction of symptoms such as pain, itching, a tingling sensation, or to the complete withdrawal of the disease. In addition to primary skin diseases, there are secondary ones, which are a result of internal diseases of organs and their systems. Electromagnetic waves, through the Lucha T8 device, deliver the Schumann frequency and lead to the establishment of balance in the body, which can have a beneficial effect on various types of internal diseases. By using the Lucha T8 device, the optimal level of the immune status of the organism is achieved and energy balance is achieved. It strengthens the overall defence capabilities of the organism. In case of both primary and secondary diseases, Lucha T8 recommended usage is 3 to 4 times daily, centrally (in the area of the solar plexus, 10 cm above the navel) and 3 to 4 times daily, locally (at the site of the skin change itself). If the skin change is large and covers a large part of the body surface (most often redness, dermographism – red and swollen skin after scratching, urticaria – hives), then the daily dose of using the Lucha T8 device on the solar plexus should be doubled (7 to 8 times for 30 min). Lucha T8 is used for at least a month, sometimes longer, in order for the skin to completely disappear. With the use of the Lucha T8 device, a consultation with a dermatologist and prescribed therapy is mandatory.

Can Lucha T8 help prevent premature birth and avoidance of hormone therapy?
Health Benefits

The Lucha T8 device cannot at this time be a substitute for hormone therapy, and it is difficult to assess whether it could have any effect on the prevention of premature birth. We do not recommend it in any case for these specific purposes.